No Mousewheel Plugin for Winamp

This Winamp plugin stops the mouse wheel from doing anything in Winamp's main window and its Playlist window when they are in small mode. (Trying to use the wheel will result in a beep.) It probably only makes sense to use it if you are using classic skins rather than the new Winamp5 skinning system.

I got sick of accidentally skipping music tracks because Winamp got the input focus without me realising and, thinking another window had the focus, I moved the mouse wheel.

If you like or have never noticed the behaviour of the mouse wheel in Winamp then you probably don't want this plugin!

Install (30k) (PGP sig) version (24th July 2003)

Copy gen_nowheel.dll from the Zip to Winamp plugins directory (usually "C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins") and restart Winamp.

To remove the plugin, make sure Winamp isn't running and delete gen_nowheel.dll. (There are no registry settings to clean up.)

Source Code (50k) (PGP sig)

C++ source code is available for anyone who wants to see or change how the plugin works. You will probably need Visual Studio .Net to open the project.

History (24th July 2003)

  • Now only disables the mouse wheel when the active Winamp window is in small mode. (4th June 2003)

  • Initial release.